DJ Djane Joy


DJ Djane Joy am 15.4. ab 20 Uhr in der Park-Kultur, Oststraße 118

Joy Enjoy (Evgenia Podugolnikova) si top 20 djane mag in China. 

A little more unconventional in her music, she knows what she’s doing but isn’t going to shy away from experimenting with sounds. She is one of the beatiful and sexiest dis in Ukraine but that’s not surprising as she made the jump to DJ from model. She started in her local club after being challenged by another DJ and traveling all over the world.It is impossible to take your eyes off Joy during her show.

Djane Joy is a non-conformist with infinite energy behind the decks. In her 10 years as a pro DJ she has regularly travelled worldwide delivering her trademark uplifting sets, energizing crowds with her versatile beats and spreading her infectious joy. Joy’s inimitable style & vivacious personality has got the world hooked, and her passion for expertly playing House in all it’s forms (house , DISCO ITALO , indie dance , deep house ,breaks ,melodic house & progressive ,tech house , organic house .).
and working from : Ukraine,Russion , Latvia, Belarus,Poland,Indonesia,Thailand,Malaysia,Cambodia ,China , Germany
Resident from- Stadtstrand Düsseldorf
and Disco bizarre Köln .

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