Swing Time!


Swing Dancing / Kunsthaus KÖ106/ Freitag 20.Mai ab 19 Uhr/ Eintritt frei/

For some people dancing is also a part of their culture. Dancing can be performed in a variety of different ways. And dance is performed by people on all kinds of occasions.

Swing Dance is a popular type of dancing, which was developed in the 1920-1940s. Swing dance was not actually classified as a form of dance up until the latter half of 20th century. The word “Swing” points to the style of jazz music.

The dance is usually performed with jazz music. African American people were the first to practice swing dancing. Swing dancing laid the groundwork for many other dancing styles, which include hip hop, and disco dancing. Many swing dancing contests and competitions are held, even today.

Even today im Kunsthaus KÖ106. Come together on Friday . it will be a wonderful night in in historical rooms

Es gibt eine Lindy Hop TanzParty mit live Band und einer tollen Sängerin, die wieder in Düsseldorf ist …. die Überraschung!

Unsere Musiker*Innen am Freitag

Tanzen im Viertel, in unseren Räumen und den Ausstellungen

In der Park-Kultur haben wir verschiedene Tanzveranstaltungen realisiert- auf engem Raum- und in Ausstellungen präsentiert: Tango und den Tanz in der Kunst

Und ein Tango-Buch erblickte unsere Leser*Innen. Phiilpp Hympendal präsentierte sein Buch „Lost Tango“. In der Park-Kultur noch zu kaufen.

Die Ausstellung „Tanz in der Kunst“ von Claudine Orvieto


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