ChoroDorf Presents:


Wiener Choro Ensemble

Das Kollektiv „ChoroDorf“, darunger verbergen sich Flavio Nunez und Jessica Nakazima ausd Brasilien, präsentiert am 15. Oktober das erste Chorus-Festival in Düsseldorf. Der Choro ist ein instrumentaler brasilianischer Musikstil, der wahrscheinlich in den 1870er Jahren in Rio de Janeiro als Fusion von populärer europäischer Musik (Polka, Walzer) und der Musik afrikanischer Sklaven entstand.

Tagsüber wird zu einem Workshop eingeladen (ab 14Uhr in der KÖ106). Abends die große Show, ab 19 Uhr.

A day with workshops for professional and amateur musicians, concerts, and „Roda de Choro“ DIE DEUTSCHE VERSION

The collective „ChoroDorf,“ initiated by musician Flávio Nunes invites all professional and amateur musicians, enthusiasts, and those curious about Brazilian „Choro“ music, to a day full of exchanges, music, and encounters in Düsseldorf.

The first edition of „ChoroDorf Presents“ will feature a program full of activities that offer options for all tastes.

14h – 16h30 – Workshop with our guests from the „Wiener Choro Ensemble.“ This workshop is intended for base and wind instrument musicians of all levels, composers, arrangers, singers, and music lovers. The objective is to stimulate musical practice organically. *The workshop will be held in German, English, and/or Portuguese.

19h – 19h30 – The night begins with the opening of the „Choro Trio“ band featuring the musicians: Flávio Nunes (7-string Guitar, Mandolin), Henrique Gomide ( Piano, Accordion), and Maxim Zettel (Pandeiro, Percussion).

20h00 – 21h30 – Followed by the main show of the special guest „Wiener Choro Ensemble.“

The group explores the rhythmical roots of Brazilian music and its refined harmonies in a very special quintet performance – Antônio de Pádua (cavaquinho, 7-string guitar, trumpet), Marco Antônio da Costa (7-string guitar & cavaquinho), João Vítor (flute), Roberta Karin (drums) and Daniel Mesquita (6-string guitar) – celebrate great Brazilian composers such as Waldir Azevedo, Pixinguinha, and Tom Jobim.

21h45 – To wrap up the evening on a high note, we invite all of the musicians who participated in the workshop and those in the audience to join us in a Jam session, „Roda de Choro.“


Workshop – 14h – 16h30 / Choro Trio – 19h – 19h30 / Wiener Choro Ensemble – 20h00 – 21h30 / Roda de Choro – 21h45





Instagram: @chorodorf / [email protected] / Day: 15/10/22 Saturday / Venue: Kunstraum KÖ 106, Königsallee 106, 40215 Düsseldorf

Admission Main Show: 18:00h / Early Bird Tickets Show:14€ + Fees / At the Door Show: 20€ / Workshop + Show: 25€ + Fees

Workshop with Wiener Choro Ensemble

We invite musicians of all levels with diverse instruments, composers, arrangers, and singers to join us for two and a half hours of immersion in the world of Brazilian Choro. DEUTSCHE VERSION

The Choro Workshop will be conducted by the quintet of the „Wiener Choro Ensemble“ in English, German and Portuguese, if necessary.

In this gathering, we will continuously explore fundamental aspects of the style through an interactive musical practice, using percussive instruments (tambourine, agogô, surdo, gazá, body percussion, and more), focusing on the main instruments of each participant.

Sign up through Eventbrite, tell us what instrument you will bring, then use the special attendee discount to buy the add-on to the main concert. And join the „Roda de Choro“ at the end of the evening to experience jamming with professional musicians.


History of Choro / Main composers and Songs / Shapes and styles / Harmonic systematization / Choro scales and arpeggios /

Harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic perception / Interpretation / Improvisation in Choro / Composition


Instagram: @chorodorf / e-mail: [email protected] / Day: 15/10/22 Saturday / Venue: Kunstraum KÖ 106, Königsallee 106, 40215 Düsseldorf

Workshop + Show: 25€ + Fees

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