Jam Session


Am 16. September ist die nächste Jam Session in der KÖ106, ab 16 h

Düsseldorf Jam Buddies and Kunstraum Kö106 gladly invite you to our second jam session at this venue on Saturday 16. September 2023, doors open at 16:00. We will need the first hour for settling down and setting up, so you are welcome to chat with us and have some drinks at the bar. Entry is free, and we kindly ask for a donation (spenden) towards the venue for hosting us there, which keep projects and events under the Dmitte / Park-Kultur group open to the community.

All musicians are welcome to jam, regardless of skill level, bring your own instrument to avoid disappointment. We will have access to the venue’s PA system, drum kit. Our closest buddies will come and add richness to the music with saxophone, violin, shamisen, percussion, etc. There is no restriction on noise at this venue, but we ask with respect, to other musicians, percussionists and singers, that they can be heard clearly.

All audience members welcome. Invite your friends, we really want to pack this venue when the jam gets swinging after 18:00… until late. Any questions, please get in touch via this invitation… Mark yourself as going, so we know to expect you.

Looking forward to jamming with you soon.
Peace, Sheets.

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