213 Electronic Artcore


Am Freitag, 4.8. ab 20 Uhr im Kunstraum KÖ106, Eintritt frei

about 213

2 I 3 based in Cologne, Germany, is a genre of its own: EAC (ELECTRONIC ARTCORE ©) – uncompromising beats meet subversive sound (dis)harmonies, which together with the expressive vocals of a mephisto-subversive art character and an equally consistent bassist generate a suggestive sound cosmos. Reinforced by visual fictions, 2 I 3 delivers an explosive production that carries everybody away into a dance ecstasy like a tsunami. Resistance? Useless… ^


 Sonic Seducer – 09/2021: 2 1 3 – „Steh nicht im Weg/Terror“ (Bandcamp) “With a mercilessly whip-pounding ten-minute piece of music and a disturbing 2 1 3 present their electronic artcore, which that not only takes no prisoners, but is very eager to hear what is still to come from this Cologne formation, scorching hot shit!” (sw)

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