Park Culture is a project for our creative protoganists

D-Mitte Iran Ausstellung

There are fourteen thousand people originating from over a hundred nations residing in our most central of the districts of Düsseldorf. Addi-tionally around thirty thousand employees have their workplaces here. Sixty percent of our total population are from abroad or have their roots in another country. Year for year we also experience a rotation of about a third of our local residents. For these reasons and more the mainte-nance of a healthy neighbourly coexistence is more than necessary, it is essential. The sad alternatives we wish to avoid? The prospect of in-creasing anonymity, encapsulation and fragmentation.

On these premises we wish to present the potential our district has to offer. The creative protagonists, the clubs, the tradesmen and the va-ried international community members are offered a stage to present their culture and ideas, get to know one another to exchange concepts and plans.

Park-Kultur: Exhibitions:
This location offers a platform for the creative activists and artists, from near and afar. This should also express and promote the cosmopolitan aspects of everyday life in Düsseldorf-Central.

Park-Kultur: Iran exibition
Park-Kultur: Workshops:
The residents and clubs have a location available for booking to follow their individual projects and needs.

Park-Kultur: Presentations and readings:
These premises are also available for individual groups or institutions. Readings taking place here can be coordinated with our local office of literature, town library or local schools.
Park-Kultur: Information exchange:
Institutions, companies and various organised groups can also present information events here.
Park-Kultur: Relaxation and social encounters:
Residents, students and employees can meet here for conversation and the exchange of ideas and opinions.

In short: The ‚Park Culture‘ aims to be a representation of the varied cultures found in our part of Düsseldorf. The latest town motto ‚Freedom at your fingertips‘ is represented here on a daily basis.

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